[Update] Lagi, Facebook Mencurangi Google+

Muak. Itulah yang saya rasakan. Karena dengan terang-terangan Facebook telah membohongi publik (saya dan pembaca semua), dan terlebih mencurangi Symantec.
Mulai hari ini jika ada link di Facebook yang tujuannya adalah ke Google+ (https://plus.google.com), Facebook dengan curang mengatakan bahwa link tersebut tidak aman. Semua orang di dunia tahu, termasuk lab antivirus kenamaan macam Kaspersky, BitDefender, dan Symantec, bahwa link Google+ adalah link aman. Namun, dengan tanpa malu Facebook mengatakan link tersebut tidak aman.
Chrome is Connecting Web Apps through Web Intents

Chromium team is working on Web Intents, a framework that will let Web apps express a simple call for an action, like ‘share’ or ‘edit,’ which receiving apps will be designed to use, without either app needing to have specific knowledge of the APIs of the other. This framework designed based on Intents on Android which is a facility for late run-time binding between components in the same or different applications.
Dive to The Deep Seas with Google Earth
Now, we can go to and explore the deep seas (plus ocean floor)with the new update of Google Earth Maps for Oceans. The areas now visible on Google Earth include the huge Hudson Canyon off New York City, the Wini Seamount near Hawaii, and the sharp-edged 10,000-foot-high Mendocino Ridge off the U.S Pacific Coast.
[caption id=“attachment_938” align=“aligncenter” width=“575” caption=“The Kane Fracture Zone cuts across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The floor of the fracture is over 5 kilometers deep and the mountain peaks are 1.