Bitten by A Shark? Bite Back!

We know that our teeth are largely composed of a mineral and it is softer than that found in sharks. But, lemme tell you something: our teeth are as tough as shark’s. According to a research, the enameloid coating on shark teeth is no harder than that of the enamel on a humanwisdom tooth. So, next time you’re bitten by a shark, fight! Bite it back, okay? The truth is, our teeth surfaces aren’t pure mineral.
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Dive to The Deep Seas with Google Earth

Now, we can go to and explore the deep seas (plus ocean floor)with the new update of Google Earth Maps for Oceans. The areas now visible on Google Earth include the huge Hudson Canyon off New York City, the Wini Seamount near Hawaii, and the sharp-edged 10,000-foot-high Mendocino Ridge off the U.S Pacific Coast. [caption id=“attachment_938” align=“aligncenter” width=“575” caption=“The Kane Fracture Zone cuts across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The floor of the fracture is over 5 kilometers deep and the mountain peaks are 1.
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Wabah Malaria Bisa Diprediksi

Malaria adalah salah satu penyebab kematian dalam jumlah besar. Menurut catatan WHO, pada tahun 2008 setidaknya satu juta orang meninggal diakibatkan malaria. Wabah malaria memang membahayakan dan sulit untuk dikontrol. Dalam satu tahun saja, masih menurut WHO, terdapat lebih kurang 250 juta kasus malaria di seluruh dunia. Banyaknya kasus dan jumlah kematian karena malaria ini disebabkan oleh karena sulitnya memprediksi wabah malaria. [caption id=“attachment_645” align=“aligncenter” width=“520” caption=“Image credit: Centers for Control Decease”][/caption]
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