[How to] Recover Deleted Files With Scalpel in Ubuntu

I am in a habit of using [Shift] + [Del]combination to delete files rather than delete only. I won’t store not-so-important files in my Recycle Bin, that’s why. This is a good habit in one hand and bad in the other hand because there’s a chance I accidentally delete an important file/folder. Luckily, Linux (Ubuntu in this case) has few good tools to recover deleted data and in easy ways. In this post I will show you how to recover deleted file via Ubuntu with Scalpel.
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New Intel SCSI Drivers in Linux 3.0

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Perfect Desktop Customization Guide on Ubuntu 11.04

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GNOME 3.1.2 Released

Hey, folks! This morning there’s a good announcement for you, GNOME developers –and fans. Yep, GNOME 3.1.2 development released. Fourth update to GNOME 3.0, first update of the development release available at last (as it was delayed). To compile GNOME 3.1.2, use jhbuild [1] and the modulesets and .jhbuildrc file used on this release [2]. [1] http://library.gnome.org/devel/jhbuild/[2] http://download.gnome.org/teams/releng/3.1.2If you want to know what is new on this release, you can check the release notes of those modules:
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Apple iPad: A Linux Administrator’s New Assistant

Lucky you, Linux administrators, if you have the iPad. Why? Because iPad is more than just an expensive tablet to read books. It’s possible to work with and manage Linux systems on its fingerprint-prone surface. How to do it? Ken Hess from Linux-Mag told us here. The article describes how to work and manage Linux systems with the iPad using SSH and VNC. You need to log in to read the article, by the way.
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Penggunaan sudo Linux/Unix Dalam Sehari-hari

Bagi para pengguna Linux/Unix, mengakses file-file tertentu tidaklah mudah jika kapasitas dirinya adalah sebagai pengguna standar. File-file atau folder tertentu, seperti folder /etc/, hanya dapat diakses jika pengguna memiliki akses sebagai administrator. Tapi dengan sebuah perintah sudomaka seorang pengguna standar dapat membuat dirinya berstatus administrator untuk sementara. Dalam manual Linux/Unix, sudodidefinisikan sebagai allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified in the sudoers file.
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Mencoba Linux Tanpa Mengubah Windows? Why Not

Penggunaan Linux desktop untuk berbagai kebutuhan, termasuk bisnis, dengan segala kelebihannya tidak lagi diragukan. Ada banyak keuntungan yang bisa didapat, terutama oleh orang awam, jika menginginkan sistem operasi dan aplikasi dengan gratis atau harga yang relatif lebih murah. Bagi beberapa orang berpindah ke Linux adalah sebuah keputusan besar dan merupakan komitmen. Mulai dari yang memikirkan bagaimana nasib software dan file-file dari sistem sebelumnya, hingga yang berhubungan dengan bagaimana ke depannya.
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