What You Should Know About Programming

Coding is fun. It is like playing games and of course (like other games) there are goals. Since coding is easy, I think everyone can code. Me, you, your children, and the others. But, before you decided to learn to codeyou might want to know ‘what is programming? what is it look like? what I should know about it?’
Yes, there are many things about programming you should know (you’ll know more later on).
Never Search For Free WordPress Themes in Google or Anywhere Else

Freebies are good, because you can get it for free. So are WordPress theme. But, not all of freebies as good as you think they are. Siobhan Ambrose made a great post about why we should never search for free WordPress theme in Google or anywhere else.
And she made a good post about when is a free WordPress theme really free and where to find them.
Image credit: zdnet.
Top 15 Tech Companies To Work For [Fortune]
Each year, Fortune magazine comes out with its list of “The 100 Best Companies to Work For” which is always a popular feature for its readers. IT companies are well-represented on the list. The list has become a major resource for job seekers and new college graduates. In fact, IT companies in general usually have reputations as being desirable places to work and develop careers.
In this post, you will find top 15 IT-related companies on the list.
Gravatar Hovercards, Fitur Baru di WordPress.com
Sudah menggunakan Gravatar, profil yang bisa tampil di semua situs cukup dengan mengetikkan alamat email? Produk dari Automatticini saya nilai luar biasa dan keren. Tapi, akan lebih keren lagi jika dilihat dari WordPress.com.
Fitur baru dalam WordPress.com yang menggandeng Gravatar adalah bernama Gravatar Hovercards. Dengan fitur ini, siapapun bisa melihat informasi dari pengguna cukup dengan mengarahkan mouse di atas avatar seseorang. Di semua blog yang menggunakan WordPress.com bisa terlihat, selama pemilik mengaktifkan fitur tersebut.
Ketulusan vs Kepura-puraan
Seorang teman yang bisa dikatakan seorang ‘socialite’, kalau diamati lebih teliti, banyak menggunakan pujian bila bertemu dengan teman temannya. Karena pujiannya itu terlalu monoton yaitu selalu mengatakan bahwa lawan bicaranya terlihat ‘lebih langsing’, teman kita ini langsung terlihat ketidak tulusannya. Bahkan bila menemuinya, saya teringat kata kata penyair Irlandia, Oscar Wilde:“How clever you are, my dear! You never mean a single word you say”.Teman saya, yang lebih ekstrim lagi, pasti akan berkomentar: “muna….