"The Bad Packets Stop Here!"
IPCop is a specialized Linux distribution whose sole purpose is to safeguard the computers and networks it is installed on. The distro proudly claims, “The Bad Packets Stop Here!” I recently installed IPCop 1.4.16 on my SOHO LAN, and found that it accomplishes what it sets out to do.
My LAN is constantly in a state of flux, but at a minimum it contains at least two computers and a wireless access point.
Vista Genuine Advantage Kill Switch
Microsoft plans to eliminate the most controversial of its Windows Vista anti-piracy features in the OS’s upcoming Service Pack update.
The company now plans to ax Vista’s “kill switch”, which disables features of the operating system when it appears to be counterfeit.
“Although our overall strategy remains the same, with SP1 we’re adjusting the customer experience that differentiates genuine from non-genuine systems in Windows Vista and later in Windows Server,” Mike Sievert, Microsoft’s vice president of Windows product marketing, said in a statement.
.NET akan mundur dari SOA
semakin banyak saja perusahaan yang merencanakan untuk menggunakan deployment service-oriented-architecture (soa) dengan platform java. peningkatan yang cukup tajam ini terjadi selama enam bulan teakhir ini, sedangkan .net mengalami penurunan sekitar 20 persen.
walaupun .net masih mentargetkan sekita 31 persen, namun sebagian pengguna platform .net akan beralih ke java sekitar 28 persen. sepertiga dari perusahaan yang akan ataupun yang telah memiliki web berencana untuk mengimplementasikan soa, dan lebih dari 70 persen dari dari jasa penulisan web memiliki pengalaman dalam cost saving, terutama dalam penggunaan kembali kode dan otomasi proses.